Technical Resource Center is a full-service Computer Forensics Investigations Crime Lab.
We assist attorneys, corporations, and individuals (who have retained an attorney) with computer evidence collection, investigations, data recovery, and Expert Witness Testimony.
We have locations in Los Angeles California and Orlando Florida and provide services throughout the United States.
Our team of dedicated specialists looks forward to assisting you with your Computer Forensics and Cell Phone Forensics Investigations, as well as your eDiscovery, Expert Witness, Evidence Preservation, and Data Recovery needs. We are experts in the following investigations and services (please hover over photo):
Computer Forensics combines the fields of Computer Science and Law. Our experts preserve, analyze, and report on the digital evidence found on computer hard drives, USB devices (thumb drives and external hard drives), online data storage (i.e. Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive), and online email services (i.e. Gmail and Yahoo email).
Cell Phone or Mobile Device Forensics consists of the extraction, preservation, analysis, and reporting of data located on mobile devices in a forensically acceptable and court approved process. TRC can examine more than 9,500 different types of cell phones and tablets, including the most popular devices on the market, the Apple iPhone and iPad, and Android-powered smartphones.
The duty to preserve Electronically Stored Information (ESI) begins when litigation is reasonably anticipated. TRC has the unique advantage of having worked on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants. We have served as a "Neutral Expert for the Court" on multiple Electronic Discovery cases. Ask about our distinctive process known as "Forensics eDiscovery."
Our Lab Director, Neil Broom, has been appointed to the Los Angeles Superior Court Panel of Expert Witnesses for Computer Forensics. Mr. Broom has been qualified as an Expert Witness multiple times in state and federal courts, in civil as well as criminal cases. Neil is also the co-author of the book "Computer Forensics Jumpstart" and has trained over 3,000 students in Computer Security and Forensics.
DetailsAt times, simply preserving evidence for potential future litigation may be all that is necessary. TRC specializes in large collections (over 50 computers) but can assist with any size forensics preservation. Windows based computers, Apple Mac devices, and mobile devices (cell phones and tablets) can be collected, forensically preserved (including Chain of Custody), and returned to service quickly and professionally.
Corrupted Operating System? Deleted photographs? Lost data? Our technicians can restore data from damaged computer hard drives, cell phones, and USB devices and get you back to work quickly. Data Recovery can be a cost effective method to restore damaged devices as opposed to recreating business data and sometimes it can be the only solution to recover the lost memories found in deleted photos.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We understand complex litigation and can secure your digital evidence. Our unique "Forensics eDiscovery" process reveals relevant evidence.
We are a full service Computer Forensics Investigative firm.
We look forward to hearing from you...