Women in eDiscovery, an organization that brings together women interested in technology related to the legal profession, announced today the results of a 2019 salary survey.
Women in eDiscovery conducted a 2019 salary survey from September 17 to 27, 2019, and received over 400 responses from eDiscovery professionals worldwide. The intention is to provide insight into experience, titles, compensation and benefits specific to women in the industry.
The survey report provides information on what skills, certificates and experience women may need to advance their eDiscovery careers. It also identifies current trends and compensation, specific to women, which will assist hiring managers to make more informed decisions. WiE intends on releasing the survey annually, allowing for comparative analyses over the years.
“Women in eDiscovery is pleased to provide our first compensation survey for eDiscovery and legal professionals,” says Beth Finkle, executive director, Women in eDiscovery. “It provides a unique comparison of salaries, bonuses, job skills, job levels, geographic factors and other industry trends in the eDiscovery and legal sectors.”
“The survey was fully anonymous, with no identifiable data gathered. The questions were designed to minimize response time, while still providing meaningful insights across eDiscovery and legal professionals. We want to thank a handful of WiE members that helped the executive directors formulate the survey and to the legal community who participated in the survey,” continues Finkle.
For more information on Women in eDiscovery and the 2019 salary survey, download the survey report here.
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