
Artificial Intelligence Pioneer Randy Goebel joins ROSS Intelligence
Global News

ROSS logoROSS Intelligence, the leading artificial intelligence company in law, announced today that world-renowned AI pioneer, Randy Goebel, has joined the company in an advisory capacity to further its artificial intelligence capabilities.

Goebel is currently professor in the Department of Computing Science at the University of Alberta, a founder and researcher with the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (AMII) and is involved with the development of the University of Alberta Google Deepmind relationship, the group behind AlphaGo. Goebel’s theoretical work on abduction, hypothetical reasoning and belief revision is internationally acclaimed and his recent application of practical belief revision and constraint programming to scheduling, layout, and web mining has had widespread impact across multiple industry verticals.

More recently, Goebel has been working on the application of machine learning to visual explanation and natural language processing, with focus on legal reasoning. Goebel has previously held faculty appointments at the University of Waterloo and the University of Tokyo, and is actively involved in academic and industrial collaborative research projects in Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Europe and Japan. He is on the advisory boards of the German Research Centre for AI, the Japan Science and Technology Organization and the Japanese National Institute for Informatics.

Andrew Arruda, ROSS Intelligence’s CEO/Cofounder said, “We are excited to have Randy join the ROSS Intelligence team. His deep knowledge of artificial intelligence, particularly at the intersection of legal language and legal information retrieval, is a huge asset as we continue to expand our AI team capabilities and launch new products and improvements into ROSS. Having someone of Randy’s caliber on the team, a true world-leader in the AI space, is exciting and we look forward to the future as we aim to forever change the law.”

“Randy joining the team is truly a match made in heaven. Randy is bringing decades of experience creating machines that can think like lawyers to our team” said Jimoh Ovbiagele, ROSS Intelligence’s CTO/Cofounder said. “The problems most worth solving are often incredible challenges that seem almost impossible. The creation of AI systems that understand the law in the same way lawyers do is one of these challenges. With Randy, ROSS will be continuing to lead a great and coordinated effort of the greatest minds in AI to tackle these previously unassailable challenges and open up access to the law.”


Randy Goebel joining the ROSS Intelligence team comes on the heels of the company’s recent $13 million dollar funding announcement, the opening of ROSS Intelligence’s Toronto artificial intelligence headquarters, which featured Toronto Mayor John Tory and University of Toronto President Meric Gertler cutting the ribbon at its inauguration, and continued Canadian progress in the AI space.

“Canada is increasingly being confirmed as a world leader in AI research and in the development of talent to support industrial impact” said Randy Goebel. “Edmonton’s AMII is ranked #2 in the world, and coupled with the incredible strengths of Montréal’s Montréal Institute for Learning Algorthims (MILA) and Toronto’s Vector, this AI consortium is one of the strongest in the world, and is poised to accelerate the development of industrial impact in Canada and beyond.”

“AMII is one of the world’s foremost AI labs. The scientists there like Randy and Rich Sutton are inventing technologies that are already revolutionizing industries like medicine and the law and will one day help us solve humanity’s greatest problems” said Jimoh Oviagele.


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