
EDRM Launches New Pro Bono Project Championed by George Socha and HB Gordon
Global News

EDRM logoSetting the global standards for e-discovery, the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) is pleased to announce a new project to help improve and promote equal access to justice.

EDRM’s new Pro Bono Project participants will build a platform for matching organizations and individuals in need of e-discovery capabilities for pro bono matters with organizations and individuals wanting to make such capabilities available. The project will be led by HB Gordon, manager, eDiscovery at The Vanguard Group, Inc., and George Socha, a managing director at BDO USA, LLP.

“E-discovery’s goal is to find the needles in the haystack of ever-increasing data storage repositories,” says Gordon. “That search is not easy for those without access to the necessary tools. This project will match up requestors with practitioners in search of a positive outcome.”

“Today, almost every matter involves e-discovery and that includes pro bono matters,” says Socha. “The twin goals of this project are to make it easier for those in need of pro bono e-discovery services and software to obtain those capabilities and for those wanting to offer up their expertise and tools to be more effectively matched with those in need.”



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