
CARET Legal Conducts Survey to Explore AI Utilization and Concerns Among Legal Professionals
Global News

Caret logoCARET Legal, a leading legal practice management platform for attorneys and legal professionals, has today released the results of its latest survey, shedding light on how legal professionals are integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into their practices and the challenges they face.

The survey, conducted in August, encompassed insights from 25 legal professionals, including attorneys, practice managers, and administrative support staff, representing both corporate firms and small independent practices. 


Key findings from the survey

Over 90% Embrace AI: An overwhelming majority of respondents, over 90%, indicated that they are already using AI in some capacity within their legal practices. However, a common theme emerged, revealing that many respondents lack a comprehensive understanding of how to harness AI's full potential. 

AI's Current Role: Legal professionals currently leveraging AI technologies are primarily doing so to streamline their workflow, enabling them to allocate more time to interact with clients effectively. Additionally, AI is being utilized to enhance data management during the discovery process. 

Widespread Concerns: Participants expressed significant concerns related to AI implementation, including: 

  • Lack of Understanding and Training: Respondents cited a “lack of sufficient training as to what AI is actually capable of doing, and a basic understanding of how it works, in order to use these tools correctly” as a prominent concern. 
  • Privacy and Ethical Implications: Privacy laws and maintaining attorney-client privilege were cited as major concerns. Legal professionals expressed a need for assurance that AI technologies adhere to ethical guidelines and maintain data security and privacy. 
  • Transparency and Security: Security and transparency into AI algorithms and data used for training were also identified as essential areas of concern. 


Jennifer Sherman, Chief Product Officer of CARET Legal, commented on the survey results, saying, “The legal industry is on the cusp of a technological revolution, with AI offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency and client service. However, our survey shows that many legal professionals are grappling with understanding and getting the best value from these AI capabilities. CARET Legal is committed to addressing these concerns and providing the necessary resources to empower legal professionals to harness AI's full potential while maintaining the highest ethical standards.” 

CARET Legal will continue to work closely with legal professionals to bridge the gap between AI technology and its optimal utilization. By providing education, training, and innovative AI solutions, CARET Legal aims to empower legal professionals to leverage AI effectively in their daily practice. 


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