EDRM Updates 2013 Fall Webinar Schedule
Global News
Additional EDRM and IRGM webinars added to fourth quarter events calendar
EDRM, the leading standards organization for the e-discovery market, announced today the addition of several new webinars to its fall events schedule. All EDRM educational events including the currently scheduled webinars are open to all. EDRM-hosted webinars for this fall include:
- E-Discovery Processing Made Simple
- Sponsored by: Nuix
- November 7, 2013; 1:00 p.m. CST
- Presenters: Bill Hamilton, UF Law E-Discovery Project, and Martin Audet, Nuix
- Moderators: George Socha and Tom Gelbmann
- Summation 5.0 Showcase – see the modern Summation in action!
- Sponsored by: AccessData
- November 19, 2013; 1:00 p.m. CST
- Presenters: Caitlin Murphy and Scott Lefton of AccessData
- Moderators: George Socha and Tom Gelbmann
- EDRM Webinar
- Sponsored by: LexisNexis
- December 3, 2013; 1:00 p.m. CST
- Presenters: TBD
- Moderators: George Socha and Tom Gelbmann
- IGRM Webinar
- Sponsored by: IBM
- December 5, 2013; 1:00 p.m. CST
- Presenters: Aliye Ergulen and Derek Gascon of IBM
- Moderators: George Socha and Tom Gelbmann
- EDRM Webinar
- Sponsored by: AccessData
- December 11, 2013; 1:00 p.m. CST
- Presenters: TBD
- Moderators: George Socha and Tom Gelbmann
Additional webinars may be scheduled. More information about these and a complete up-do-date list are available on the EDRM website. All EDRM webinars are complimentary, but registration is required.