LTC4 has set the global standard for legal technology proficiency
About 6 years ago a group of legal training, IT professionals and lawyers in the USA & UK got together and developed a set of technology core competencies. These volunteers worked from extensive experience in the legal industry to address fundamental skills gaps directly impacting a firm’s productivity and profitability.
Over 95 leading US, Canadian and UK firms collaborated to create 9 scenario-based “Learning Plans.” The following core competencies were created to be application agnostic, workflow based, flexible to include any firm’s internal policies, and relevant to the way modern lawyers and their support staff need to work:
In 2016, another one of its kind core competency was launched - ediscovery/edisclosure. LTC4 core competencies have been built to reflect the way people work so they make sense. The word “core” is the key, the Learning Plans do not ask for advanced skills just a good, basic understanding of the day to day workflows that law firm employees undertake using technology. All the Learning Plans are routinely reviewed by member volunteers and each vetted by a whole different group of volunteers, to ensure they remain objectively relevant and up-to-date with the increasing demands of the industry.
As a not-for-profit global membership organisation LTC4 provides law firms, legal departments and law schools with access to a community of like-minded professionals who believe in improving skills. Now recognised as the industry standard, LTC4 core competencies provide a framework for training efforts and the opportunity for individuals to become certified – to prove to their clients that they have the necessary skills to be productive and efficient.
Training methods are not prescribed, there is total flexibility so that classroom, web-based virtual classroom or online e-learning can be used to deliver skills improvement. LTC4’s Certification Pod is there to help members develop processes to prove competency which works for them. More than 3000 individuals are now LTC4 certified in one or more core competency.
Many different strategies can be employed to lead to certification - some members are introducing LTC4 at new hire stage, others use the learning plans during roll outs or as part of professional development initiatives. Many firms use all of these opportunities to qualify users in the industry standard. It is a flexible approach and the mission of the organisation is clear:
Working for a future where all legal professionals can use technology efficiently and can prove it!
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