Qualmet today announced the commercial release of the Qualmet cloud-based platform which solves the complex issue of measuring value and facilitating conversations between law departments and their external legal service providers.
The cloud-based Qualmet platform gives law departments a quick way to assess and compare performance of legal service providers so they can maximize the business value to their companies. It also affords legal service providers a means to understand client needs, allowing them to improve their performance and competitiveness.
“Qualmet changes everything the legal industry has come to accept about the relationship between law departments and their law firms,” notes Qualmet CEO Jim Beckett. “It provides both sides with a common framework for setting expectations, for collaboration, and for creating clear accountability to improve business value.”
The law departments of several major corporations, including Atria Senior Living and CafePress, have already signed up to use Qualmet after experiencing success during the platform’s pilot phase.
“I am excited about what we are learning. Early indications are Qualmet will help us and our law firm partners deliver more value for our business going forward,” explains Bryan Hudson, Atria Senior Living General Counsel.
By aggregating the evaluations of individuals within each law department, using metrics that measure value, Qualmet provides the ability to benchmark legal services across industry sectors, firms, lawyers and practice areas. This eliminates the guesswork involved in measuring the value delivered by legal service providers.
“We can now enjoy a level of transparency and accountability which we could not achieve without inventing our own internal process,” says Ekumene Lysonge, CafePress General Counsel and President of the Association of Corporate Counsel’s Kentucky chapter. “Even more exciting is the longer-term prospect of benchmarking against an industry database of legal service providers including law firms and lawyers all objectively evaluated by my peers.”
The Qualmet concept was created by Mark Smolik, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer of DHL’s Supply Chain operations in the Americas. “The idea behind the platform is quite simple: putting objective, actionable performance data in the hands of the purchaser and seller of legal services to help drive awareness of expectations and opportunities for continuous improvement,” explains Smolik. “The result is a deeper relationship between law departments and their external legal service providers that fosters the delivery of measurable value to the businesses they serve," Smolik adds.
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