XaitPorter is a document co-authoring that enables secure collaboration with built-in workflow. XaitPorter also provides document automation, and provides a repository for content.
Xakia is an online legal matter management software, designed for in-house legal teams of any size. Our cloud-based legal software centralises matters and documents in a single source of truth, helping you to s ...
Xerox Litigation Services, the e-discovery division of Xerox Corporation, is one of the world’s largest providers of electronic discovery technologies and services. With billions of pages of hosted data, tens o ...
XiDRAFT is a full-fledged document assembly system in the cloud (SaaS) with an intuitive interface enabling registered users to build, publish and share or sell automated documents. This is done entirely online ...
The XMediusFAX® solutions suite transforms the manual handling of your organization’s inbound and outbound data transmissions into a managed business workflow. XMediusFAX software solutions are designed and con ...
XpressDox is a desktop document assembly add-in for Microsoft® Office Word 2003 and Word 2007, which enables you to use Word to perform both simple and complex document assembly operations. For application deve ...
We offer organizers of legal IT seminars, events and conferences a unique marketing and promotion opportunity. Legal IT Professionals has been selected official media partner for many events.