Also to Control Legal Costs and Maximize Operational Efficiencies
LegalShift, LLC is proud to announce the recent launch of its consulting and business advisory services, formed to help in-house legal teams and their law firms better manage legal portfolios, improve business operations, and reduce legal spend and costs.
LegalShift President and CEO Dan Safran said, “As law departments and law firms strive to work more collaboratively and efficiently, we have responded to market demand for non-traditional and integrated people, process and technology solutions. We are leading the charge, offering holistic business solutions that challenge and shift the way these inter-dependent entities work together.”
LegalShift brings experienced, senior-level consultants and advisors, and an alliance with the Baker Donelson law firm, to drive predictability and transparency to current law department practices. Baker Donelson was one of the first firms in the United States to develop its own unique approach to legal project management as well as Lean Six Sigma processes and tools; the alliance will make these solutions more readily available to a broader segment of the legal industry.
Safran, a long-time legal industry advisor and consultant, noted that the industry is dramatically changing and now requires all lawyers, whether operating as in-house counsel or through a law firm, to improve their service delivery model. LegalShift fills this need by offering a way to enhance value and control corporate legal spend, while enhancing law firm profitability.
“Over the past several years we have invested significantly in the implementation and improvement of our BakerManage™ legal project management and Lean Six Sigma processes and technology,” said Baker Donelson's Chief Executive Officer, Ben Adams. “We have worked with numerous clients to advise and train them on how to use these solutions internally and across all of their outside counsel relationships and we are pleased to be so strongly aligned with LegalShift to expand the potential application of these solutions.
The LegalShift team includes former practicing lawyers, operations professionals and law firm project managers trained and certified in Lean Six Sigma and legal project management techniques, along with general business, financial, process, organization and technology consultants/advisors.
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