More and more law firms who wish to improve the productivity of their users are choosing the Capensys Learning in Action (LiA) tool as a non-intrusive way to evaluate technology skills and/or provide LTC4 certification.
Just some of those firms who are embracing this effective way of verifying skills levels are:
Learning in Action Checks provide a real life, non-threatening experience. They work with the firm’s own live applications and allow for the multiple ways that users work. LiA Checks evaluate the users’ performance giving a score, time taken, or both.
LiA comes with a library of ready-made exercises for most legal applications. The exercises are aligned with the LTC4 core competency curriculum. The easy-to-use LiA Designer allows the firm to customize the existing exercises or build their own multiple method exercises (LiA Checks). They are the ideal solution for skills evaluation and certification for support staff and lawyers.
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