
Henchman announces series of Legal AI-inspired webinars in May and June
Global News

Henchman logoHenchman is facing exciting times ahead in the webinar-world announcing numerous upcoming virtual panels in May and June. The leading legal tech start-up that facilitates complex contract drafting gathered best-in-class experts of the industry to get together and share thoughts about trending topics in the field.

Recognizing today’s trending challenges and opportunities in line with legal technology, three hot topics are coming into the picture.


Webinar 1: Data in Legal – Transformative Strategies for the Future [May 21, 5pm CET / 11am ET]

Dive into the heart of innovation with our upcoming webinar, "Data in Legal: Transformative Strategies for the Future” and discover how data-driven technologies are not just a fleeting trend, but the foundation for a revolution in legal practices. Panelists:

  • Ilona Logvinova - Director of Practice Innovation at Cleary Gottlieb
  • David Wang - Chief Innovation Officer at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
  • Tricia Stephens-Adams - Director of Enterprise and Innovation at Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP

Register here.

Webinar 2: Crafting a winning legal AI strategy: Insights for long term success [June 13th, 5pm CET / 11am ET]

Navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of technology in the sector by registering for our session about “Crafting a winning legal AI strategy: Insights for long term success”. We will dive into the transformative potential of AI, emphasizing a strategic approach that leverages your law firm's unique assets. Panelists:

  • Peter Geovanes - Chief Innovation & AI Officer at McGuireWoods LLP
  • Tanja Podinic - Global Legal GenAI Lead and Strategic Board Advisor at PWC
  • Hayley harris - Global Director of Central Knowledge Management at BCLP

Register here.


Webinar 3: Unlocking Legal Tech: Strategic Adoption and Implementation [June 25th, 5pm CET / 11am ET]

Join us for an insightful webinar about “Unlocking Legal Tech: Strategic Adoption and Implementation”, where we delve into the transformative world of integrating technological novelties at modern legal teams. Panelists:

  • Conan Hines - Director of Legal Technology at Fried Frank
  • Joshua Fireman - President at Fireman & Co
  • Aalia Manie - Head of Fusion at Webber Wentzel

Register here.

The three panels will be moderated by Michiel Denis, Head of Growth at Henchman. The webinars aim to provide insights into the latest trends, best practices, and innovative insights in solid data- and AI-strategies as well as do’s and don'ts of legal tech innovation and adoption.

Are you in LegalTech as a developer, enthusiast, or legal professional interested in the matter? Join our webinar(s) to gain invaluable insights and strategies for transforming your business into an ongoing growth engine. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead in the ever-evolving and competitive landscape of legal technology.

Register today, and check out all webinars (past and future) via this link.

Interested in learning more about Henchman and meeting the team? Visit Lexpo'24 in Amsterdam on June 10 & 11, where Henchman is proudly sponsoring. This is the ideal chance to directly explore the newest innovations from Henchman!

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