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The Mailbox, 101 Wharfside Street, Birmingham, United Kingdom, B1 1RF
0330 404 0810

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Advanced legal customers depend on our solutions to support their business aims and processes every day. Our goal is to enable our customers to drive efficiencies, savings and growth opportunities. We do this by providing right-first-time software solutions that evolve with the changing needs of their organization and the environment they operate in. Advanced is one of the three largest providers of business software and services in the UK, with a £300m turnover, 22,000+ customers and 2,500+ employees all helping firms all over the world create the right digital foundations that drive productivity, insight and innovation – all while remaining safe, secure and compliant.

Products & Services


Stretching client loyalty

Achieving a degree of client loyalty generally isn’t something that happens overnight. Normally it’s the culmination of lots of positive activity over a period of time, or perhaps a particularly successful outcome under challenging conditions. However you get there, client loyalty guarantees you at the very least the client’s consideration for future requirements.

It’s not uncommon for such loyalty to revolve around one particular individual at the firm, whose efforts have engendered the association. Such relationships generally endure and can easily grow beyond the confines of a strictly commercial arrangement and can present both risk and opportunity to a firm. Continue reading

Somebody that I used to know….

Over that past 5 years I have engaged with at least 5 legal practices for a number of different requirements. I didn’t particularly plan it that way, generally I try and maintain a great working relationship with just the one service provider – my thinking being that it promotes a deeper understanding of us, our preferences and our business that should ultimately benefit us.

One of the side effects of engaging with a new firm is that you subsequently find yourself on their mailing list and I now regularly receive various marketing communications from pretty much all the firms I have at some point engaged with. I’ll save my thoughts on the relevance of these for another time, but for the moment suffice to say that by virtue of being on their respective mailing lists that its very likely each firm considers me a client. Continue reading

The New Normal?

As I write this there is an emerging sense of movement towards an eventual release from lockdown restrictions. News updates from around the world detail gradual and tentative steps towards what is being described at the “New Normal”. 

The underlying message is that things won’t be the same as before, at least for the foreseeable future and many believe that a more permanent change has already begun. Continue reading

Now is the time to get to know your clients (before somebody else does)

As the glimmerings of a possible emergence from the Coronavirus lockdown appear on the distant horizon we can be sure that business is already planning a sprint from the click of the starting gun. A flurry of marketing and sales activity is certain as is the scramble to find and win those rare client opportunities. Continue reading

Case Study: Tikit’s floorwalkers support innovative training at Travers Smith

Travers Smith was founded more than two centuries ago and has practised law in the City of London ever since. It now has lawyers working out of offices in London and Paris, divided into 17 specialist practice areas.

The firm fosters a climate of shared knowledge and goals, supported by a friendly, engaging team spirit. Its lawyers are focused on conducting business in the most effective way for clients. As part of its continual endeavour to provide an incomparable client experience, Travers Smith implemented a new NetDocuments cloud-based document management system (DMS). The technology refresh was carried out over a weekend. It was vital that lawyers, PAs and all administrative staff were ready to hit the ground running and use the new system from day one, not only to prevent negative impact on clients but also to deliver the benefits of improved service levels as quickly as possible. Travers Smith selected Tikit to supply training on NetDocuments. Tikit develops its own applications, complemented by deep partner relationships with other best-of-breed providers, including NetDocuments. Continue reading

Dear CRM agony uncle: I just don’t know if they’ve lost interest…

Dear CRM Agony Uncle,

Given that it’s Valentine’s Day – I have to ask – how can you tell when someone you’ve been close to has lost interest?

I’m thinking here of a particularly special relationship we used to have. There was a time when there was a really strong connection between us. I wrote to them a lot and they read everything I sent them – we even met up when they came to our events. We interacted practically every day. Those times were good. Continue reading

Dear CRM Agony Uncle: How a failure to fully update might be spelling the end for this relationship


I don’t want to admit it – but I don’t always tell my CRM the whole truth and I think it’s ruining my relationships.

Of course, it didn’t start out this way. When the CRM and I first got together, I really wanted to make it work. Back then, whenever there was any kind of client contact I updated straight away. Every email, every phone call: I gave it everything I had. Slowly but surely though, my attitude started to change. Continue reading

Why lawyers really have to stop hating CRM

Customer Relationship Management systems have the potential to give firms a huge competitive advantage – but all too often they don’t because the data being entered is partial, patchy or out of date. Firms have a lot to gain if they can raise the consistency and quality of data entry, argues Simon Elven. The trick lies in utilising software that makes it a painless process. Continue reading

Why so many firms are missing the point about data

Data is a powerful and much underused asset which law firms ignore at their peril, according to Virginio Basile, Tikit’s Vice President, Professional Services, North America. In this blog Virginio argues that once firms can get to grips with data, they will unlock the potential to become more competitive and more profitable. Continue reading

How law firms can put a smart data strategy in place

In his previous blog Virginio Basile, Tikit’s Vice President, Professional Services, North America, explained why data matters so much to law firms. In this blog – the second of three – he describes how firms can put a strategy in place to deliver the kind of data that’s of real value. Continue reading

What a smart data strategy looks like in practice

In my last two blogs I talked about the value that law firms can get from great data and how they can obtain it. To round the series off, here I’m drawing on the experience of a recent timekeeping software deployment to illustrate how firms can acquire high quality data in practice. Continue reading


Advanced Legal Software - Providing an end-to-end legal process

Tikit videoDiscover who Advanced are, what software solutions are available to legal professionals and what we can do to help your firm by clicking here.

Taking away the challenge of technology

Tikit videoJoin Managing Director of Advanced’s Legal Sector, Doug Hargrove as he breaks down the different technological challenges legal professionals face and how Advanced are equipped with the knowledge, experience and services to support lawyers in facing those challenges. Click here to watch. 


Carpe Diem - Time to focus

Tikit videoLearn about what our time recording platform Carpe Diem, provides in under a minute, in our latest video breaking down the software, it’s features and integrations, watch now.

NetDocuments - Merovitz Potechin Testimonial

Tikit video CMS“Hear directly from one of our clients, Yasmin M. Vinograd, Co-Managing Partner and Head of Litigation Group at Merovitz Potechin LLP, on how switching to a Cloud-based document management system impacted their firm and how the onboarding process went. 

Last year we implemented NetDocuments to Merovitz Potechin LLP which Yasmin expressed “ I was so pleasantly surprised with how smoothly that transition went. The training was phenomenal. They spent so much time designing the product to our need and customising it the way we wanted it to be…”. 

Watch the short interview here.


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