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TIQ Time Featured

Piet Heinkade 55, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1019 GM
+31 20 308 5115

Company profile

TIQ Time helps lawyers build complete and consistent time entries with an add-on to your Practice Management and Document Management System.

To ensure that filling out a timesheet is as easy as possible for every fee-earner, TIQ automatically captures the time spent on activities such as drafting documents, emails, meetings, and phone calls. The modern and fast time tracking solution is available via web and mobile.

On this day TIQ works with over 60 firms located in 15+ countries.

Impact of TIQ Time

  • TIQ’s automated time capture functionality will result in a smaller leakage of billable and non-billable time entries, directly impacting the firm’s bottom-line and transparency towards clients.
  • Using TIQ’s suggested time entries, fee-earners will spend less time filling out timesheets, therefore increasing productivity and reducing the cost of administrative work. 
  • Giving fee-earners a modern and fast solution (both web and mobile) for time tracking will improve the user experience. This will be enhanced further with the firm’s branding in the application and a secure single sign-on method.
  • The use of automated time capture in a flexible time solution tailored to the firm’s processes will reduce the time spent on corrections (changing the narrative language, spelling or other details) by finance and assistants.
  • The use of narrative templates, both for captured entries and manual entries, will improve the consistency and quality of the time entries.

Public or Private Cloud 

All TIQ web sites, storages and services run in TIQ’s Azure instance. TIQ Time can be deployed to a separate instance, managed by TIQ or even the customer itself. TIQ is in the process of getting ISO27001 certified.

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